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Race-Based Health Data Collection Initiative in Nova Scotia 

It is our pleasure to share with you that the Iranian Cultural Society of Nova Scotia has been engaged in a community-based working group to support the collection of race-based health data in Nova Scotia.

Nova Scotia is working with racialized groups in the province to adapt a standard for self-identification proposed by the Canadian Institute for Health Information. Soon, Nova Scotia will start asking for race-based data from everyone in the health care system.

Collecting and interpreting race-based health data will help the government identify and address inequities in health care and better serve racialized people by collaborating on community-level programs and initiatives.

"پروژه جمع آورى اطلاعات بهداشتى مبتنى بر نژاد"
اين پروژه در جهت ارائه خدمات هرچه جامع تر و مؤثرتر تخصصى بهداشتى  به نژادهاى مختلف بويژه اقليت هاى نژادى ساكن در نوااسكوشيا، توسط وزارت بهداشت و سلامت نوااسكوشيا راه اندازى شده و با حمايت دولت نوااسكوشيا در كارگروه هاى مختلف اجرا خواهد شد. 
انجمن فرهنگى ايرانيان نوااسكوشيا بعنوان يكى از شش عضو هسته اجرايى ، در طى دو سال طول مدت پيش بينى شده براى پروژه،  مسئوليت كار در حوزه خاورميانه را بعهده خواهد داشت.

Community Consultation Sessions

These sessions have been organized to engage with different communities to hear their opinion on health race-based data identifiers. A presentation to describe the initiative as well as a survey form will be presented at each session. The questions in the survey are to capture our feelings and opinions on how information about our identity is collected when accessing health care services in Nova Scotia.

Sharing your racial information will be voluntary, and your privacy will be protected. You’ll be able to give this information through a website, or when you renew your Health Card.

Please consider taking part and register for your desired session listed below.

Registration for Upcoming Sessions

For more information please Email or call us




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